Cord Cutting Service
Cord Cutting Service
The Cord Cutting service consists of a cord cutting spell to be performed between two people to sever their energetic cords. It incorporates healing to help each person find their own peace and healing through this energetic separation. I believe that energetic cords form between us and all the people, things, and places we meet, in varying degrees. When you cleanse yourself or call your own energy and magic back into yourself, you’re working to cut those ties. Sometimes when we spend extended periods of time with people, investing out time and emotions, we develop deeper, harder to sever cords. That’s when a cord-cutting can be helpful to sever those ties and allow you to heal without these blockages.
I will need the following for both the persons; full names and DOBs to work the best. Service will be performed within 7-14 days of purchase (unless a rush order is arranged as fee will apply) and you will be sent photos and video of ritual. I will also pull some Tarot/Oracle cards to accompany the ritual. This could should up as additional guidance for you or simply a confirmation of the work.
Warning: Do not be surprised if the person reaches out to you immediately after or soon after the ritual is performed. This may be due to them sensing the cord being cut and you pulling away. By re-engaging with this person, you allow the cord to form again.